(A Peer Review Journal)
e–ISSN: 2408–5162; p–ISSN: 2048–5170


Pages: 835-841
M. Umar, A. L. Ahmed, B. Balarabe and A. Adamu

keywords: Borehole, groundwater, geoelectrical cross section, vertical electrical sounding


Geohydrological investigations are performed to assess the groundwater parameters for locating suitable sites for groundwater exploration and resource management in Rafin-Bareda of Dutsen-wai. Thirty-six vertical electrical soundings (VES) using Schlumberger configurations were carried out at selected locations in the area. The interpretation of sounding data has been accomplished using the software ipi2win. On basis of interpreted sounding results, eight geoelectrical cross sections have been generated along the profiles. The interpretation of data revealed four layers, generally one top thin layer overlying the other three thick layers. Base on the qualitative interpretation of the VES data, it was deducted that VES point 15, 25, 27, and 31 are potential positions for siting boreholes with appreciable thickness of weathered basement (aquiferrous zone) ranging from 7.61 to 28.10 m characterized by structural features that enhance groundwater permeability and storage. Interpreted results are corroborated with the borehole data. The results depict proper hydrological conditions for existence of good aquifers suggesting continued supply of groundwater in the area for extended period.


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